Series 01, Episode 05: Idiots and Machines
Hold onto your seats--this one is intense. I start with the famous rant by Rampion on page 300 of Point Counter Point, "Idiots and Machines" and connect to the various related philosophies and literary pieces alluded throughout the series, Erich Fromm's Sane Society, Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus" and more of Huxley's philosophies through his final novel, Island. I also introduce-- in a very reductive way--the dialectical model of Hegel's Phenomenology and its relation to the intellectual breakthroughs of Philip's Notebook. Resources: text, from Point Counter Point p. 300 text, from Island, "The Notes on What's What" selections from Erich Fromm, Sane Society Camus, "The Myth of Sisyphus" Hegel, "cheat sheet" Hegel, lecture notes Hegel, supplementary text