Season 3 - Cabeza de Vaca
Back in the first episode of the first season of this podcast series, I begged someone to make a movie about the wanderings of Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and his three companions. Well, as several of you pointed out, someone actually has made this movie. In 1991 Mexican filmmaker Nicolás Echevarría created a really striking and kinda trippy art-house film that actually does a pretty good job capturing the surrealness of Cabeza de Vaca’s adventures. But it’s not an easily digestible film. And in its strangeness, it partly obscures the facts of what happened.Join us this season as we retell Cabeza de Vaca's implausible tale. And join us as we try to understand what exactly Cabeza de Vaca hoped to accomplish in writing out his story…and what he thought the material and spiritual legacy of his incredible journey should be.