EP 40 - When They See Us
I watched When They See Us this past weekend on Netflix and I can't stop thinking about it. I've had my issues with Netflix in the past because I've felt they're really not writing high quality programs with strong characters or a focus on plot, but maybe my tune has changed. For now at least. When They See Us is so freaking well done and I also feel a connection to the show because my friend Aaron Byrd was the music supervisor. Aaron is a great DJ here in Los Angeles and he actually talked with me on my podcast a few months back, so I thought I'd mention if you're new to my podcast, definitely go back and have a listen to the conversation I had with him. On this episode, I also talk about David Brooks, a writer for the New York Times and a powerful article he recently wrote about the negative impact of trolls. As always, thanks for listening to the podcast and be sure to spread the word or please write a review on iTunes. Thanks so much.