Parlour Stories: Ghostly Laundry Edition
Maxwell and Jennifer sift through the metaphysical mailbag and share spine-tingling stories of shadow people, Ouija boards, and a stalking helium balloon! Take a cozy seat in the firelight and enjoy your eerie visit. Parlour Stories: Ghostly Laundry Edition Sources Thank you to all the fine people who sent in stories for this week's episode! You are dear to our hearts. Credits Theme Music Makenna Carrico - Additional Music Haunted Filing Cabinet Sneaky Detective Sneaky Birdie Sneaky Plucked Strings 1 Composer: Thomas VanOosting Eerie Atmospheric Wine Glasses Dark Ambient Low Atmosphere Composer: Matt Gerry Spectral Scary Ambiance Composer: Landerlot Dreamstate Drone - Calm, Chilled Composer: Ian Hubball Tense Hands (Stinger) Shadows Hang (Stinger) They're Coming This Way (Stinger) Uneasy Dusk (Stinger 1) Composer: Numsi Dark Wave (Cinematic Ambient Drone) Composer: Melodies In Motion Dark Ambient Drone Seamless Loop 11 Composer: MundoSound Media Stinger 1 - sad and dark voice and strings Composer: Jonathan Edward Carlile Thumbnail Photography Jennifer Page Warm a Special Thanks All of Odd Tonic's friends, new and old. Thanks for your support!