Psychokinetic, Love-struck Furniture
Maxwell and Jennifer don their lab coats for a bizarre tale of strange science! Travel back to 1972 to meet the Owen Group and their famous "Philip Experiment," in which they sought to conjure a ghost and got more than they bargained for! Psychokinetic, Love-struck Furniture Sources New Horizons/ Owen Journal: Toronto SPR "Philip Experiment" documentary clip: Kenneth Batcheldor's work: Credits Theme Music Makenna Carrico - Additional Music Haunted Filing Cabinet Sneaky Detective Sneaky Birdie Sneaky Plucked Strings 1 Composer: Thomas VanOosting Comedy Klezmer Circus Composer: Hakan Eriksson Old French Composers - 4 pieces Harpsichordist: Major_minor Tense Hands (Stinger) Composer: Numsi Spooky Waltz Ident (Long Version) Composer: 3KTrack Thumbnail Photography Jennifer Page Warm a Special Thanks All of Odd Tonic's friends, new and old. Thanks for your support!