S01E04, Alice in Wanderland
Thanks for listening to my podcast. Please do subscribe. I try to take you along on my adventures so you can experience them too. At the moment I’m on an epic trek - 2000km across the Sahara - #saharaexpedition - beginning in Oued Chbika, and ending at the southernmost tip and border with Mauritania. The journey is expected to take three months, setting out on November 26th, I am travelling with the same team from the Draa Expedition including three local guides and five camels. The aim of this expedition is to explore this virtually unknown part of the Sahara and I will be tracking the deathstalker scorpion, hunting for meteorites, investigating the unique sand statues of the south, and searching for the lost great bird monuments which lie hidden in the dunes. Follow me on Social Media: Instagram: @aliceoutthere1 Twitter: @aliceoutthere1 YouTube: Alice Morrison Facebook: Alice Hunter Morrison Adventures