Bonus: Mulan 1998 (A Reflection)
Two Asian American olds (Cathy and James) watch the original Mulan for the first time, then join a seasoned fan (Julia) — for an animated discussion about the limitations of Hollywood representation, the saving grace of gender-bending innuendo, and what exactly it is about Mulan that resonates with so many Asian Americans who grew up with it. Resources and Recommended Reading: Ariana Amour performs "Reflection" 'Mulan' Was the Most Bisexual Cartoon Ever What Mulan taught me about identity, honor, and drag saving China The Groundbreaking Queerness of Disney's 'Mulan' ‘Mulan’ remake drops Li Shang character because of #MeToo movement Pro-democracy boycott of Disney's Mulan builds online via #milkteaalliance