04: Surviving the Weeks Before Winter Break
Today’s show is all about how to get through the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas! We all know how exhausting this time can be. The kids are totally off the chain. I don’t about you, I’ve got a lot going on at this time, as well. It can make for one tired teacher!
Check out my blog post How to Guarantee Survival the Weeks Before Christmas Vacation for more tips.
Show Notes:
6:50 Embrace the Season
7:48 Ideas to Survive: Idea One: Readers Theater
8:20 Idea Two: Hands-on Activities
8:45 Idea Three: To Reward or Not to Reward
9:33 The impact of Classroom Consequences
12:01 Idea Four: Holidays Around the World
12:42 Idea Five: Christmas STEM/Makerspace
16:00 Idea Six: Party/Game/Movie Day
Polar Express Response with Movie vs. Book Compare and Contrast
Yes, Virginia Response and Movie vs. Book Compare and Contrast
17:26 Admin Please!
18:46 Idea Seven: Kindness During Christmas
21:06 Back Up Plans
21:25 Idea Eight: Holiday Theme Keeping to Your Regular Schedule
22:00 Testing During Weeks Before Christmas!
24:00 Idea Nine: Personal Time
24:04 Idea Ten: Smartest Idea EVER!
25:20 Wine!
26:00 Quiet Ideas
27:30 Wish for You!
27:50 HILARIOUS Research Findings!
28:55 My Holiday Fantasy
Let me know what you think! Be sure to subscribe and like this episode.
Take care and Sweet Dreams!