Exercising Cyclically and Balance After Bodybuilding with Omega Zumpano
Welcome back to the CYCLICAL Podcast! The question of exercise science and cyclical health is one I answer all the time. It’s true that most research with exercise is done LARGELY on male biology and so no wonder we’re all confused and not thriving with our exercise routines. I’m excited to chat with Omega Zumpano today because her experience is exceptionally fascinating! From competing in professional bodybuilding and dealing with hormone problems to transforming her whole philosophy on exercise, her wisdom is fascinating!
This episode is a great intro to the idea of cyclical exercise and why common exercise routines do not work for women
In this episode we talk about:
- Omega’s story going from bodybuilder to cyclical exercise expert
- Hypothalamic amenorrhea and how this plays in
- How do intense workout routines affect our hormones as women
- The four phases and how to exercise within each phase
- Cardio vs. strength training for women
- How to increase muscle mass as women
- Creating a cyclical exercise routine
- And so much more
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Connect with Omega:
Website - https://fitnessflowmethod.com/
Instagram - @fitnessflowmethod
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/OmegaFitLife?sub_confirmation=1
Join Omega’s program for fitness coaches (approved by NASM) here - https://fitnessflowmethod.com/confident-menstrual-cycle-coach-academy
Loved this episode? Tag me @menstruationqueen and Omega to share the love
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