012 The Toyota RV with a Skateboard Workshop, Danielle and Tommy of Slow Car Fast Home
Danielle and Tommy live full-time in their renovated 1991 Toyota Odyssey Class C RV. They are also the owners of Low Tide Skateboards, making and selling longboards from their RV. After living in Denver for 2 years and traveling a bit in their conversion van, Tommy and Danielle decided they wanted to travel full-time. In this episode we talk about why they chose their particular model Toyota RV. We discuss their renovation of their RV which went from 2 months and $2,000 to 8 months and $7,000. Plus we talk about their skateboard business and how they remodeled their RV to include all of the power tools and equipment they needed. Listen in to hear all that plus we talk about why Danielle drives barefoot, The Wild Thornberries, their solar setup, how they balance travel and work on the road, what it’s like traveling with dogs, how they find free campsites, and tune in to hear the story of the missing flip flop. Follow Slow Car Fast Home on Instagram: @slowcarfasthome Visit the Slow Car Fast Home website: slowcarfasthome.com Follow Low Tide Longboards on Instagram: @lowtidelongboards Visit the Low Tide Longboards website: lowtidelongboards.com Connect with Campers In Vans: Instagram: @campersinvansgettingcoffee Website: CampersInVansGettingCoffee.com Facebook: @campersinvansgettingcoffee Twitter: @campersinvans