Episode 27 - Chevron sells acreage to Sabinal Energy
Chevron Sells Shard Of Permian Basin Monolith To Sabinal Energy | Oil and Gas Investor - http://bit.ly/2ha1zOe
Weir Oil & Gas Eyes Midland Texas, Operations Center - Area Development - http://bit.ly/2w31KNG
American Patriot finalises second Texas oil and gas acquisition - http://bit.ly/2xgoywr
Supermajors Prepare For A Permian Bidding War | OilPrice.com - http://bit.ly/2w3odKx
Episode 23 - Drillinginfo and TIPRO Chairman Allen Gilmer | Texas Oil and Gas Podcast - http://bit.ly/2v0aWWP
Episode 25 - Hurricane Harvey’s impact on the oil and gas industry | Texas Oil and Gas Podcast - http://bit.ly/2gG6MNB
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