Introducing The Sourdough Podcast
Hi this is Mike Hilburn. If you are new to sourdough, perhaps in the middle of creating your first starter, reading books and blogs, practicing your scoring technique, still pulling giant sourdough pancakes from your oven, but loving every minute of your new found passion... If you are casual microbiology nerd, food history geek... If you are beginning baker , an Intragram baker, a experienced home baker, or an actual verified professional baker, If you have scoured youtube, netflix, web forums, podcasts, And you just can't get enough of all things sourdough.... This is your podcast.... the Sourdough Podcast. This is the podcast that will keep your baking passion alive - and hopefully help keep your starter alive in the process. We are going to dive into all things Sourdough. Formulas, technique, books, bakers, millers, farmers. On the Sourdough Podcast we want to hear the personal stories of people like you who, and how they discovered their passion for naturally leavened old world style artisanal bread. Most of all, I want to you to listen in and be inspired to strive for your own perfect loaf. I want to hear from you guys, I want to hear how you discovered sourdough, your favorite recipes or formulas, what's the story behind your starter, what's your favorite sourdough book or blog. Where are you getting stuck? What's the biggest failure that ever came out of your oven? Who do you want to hear from on this podcast? Whose story would you love to hear? What blogger, author, Instagrammer, miller, baker, do you want to hear from or hear more about? I want to talk about, and hopefully to, the people that inspire you the most. I want this podcast to be a how-to, a who's-who, a source of learning, good stories, and most of all inspiration. So be sure to subscribe to us on ITunes. We can't wait to get started.