Sarah Colonna - Missing Dew
My HoneyDew this week is Sarah Colonna! Sarah Highlights the Lowlights of a missing boyfriend, dating, and having to put down a pet. SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE and watch full episodes of The Dew every toozdee! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PATREON, The HoneyDew with Y’all, where I Highlight the Lowlights with Y’all! What’s your story? Sponsors: MEUNDIES To get your 15% off your first order and free shipping go to MEUNDIES.COM/HONEYDEW EXPRESS VPN So if you’re like me and you believe your online activity is your business, secure yourself by visiting EXPRESSVPN.COM/HONEYDEW today. Use my exclusive link EXPRESSVPN.COM/HONEYDEW and you can get an extra three months FREE. That’s EXPRESSVPN.COM/HONEYDEW POLICY GENIUS Head to POLICYGENIUS.COM to get started right now. Policygenius. When it comes to insurance, it’s nice to get it right.