SN 959: Stamos on "Microsoft Security" - HP Printer Bricking, Mercedes Benz Source Code
- iOS to allow native Chromium and Firefox engines.
- An OS immune to ransomware?
- HP back in the doghouse over "anti-virus" printer bricking
- The mother of all breaches
- New "Thou shall not delete those chats" rules
- Fewer ransoms are being paid
- Verified Camera Images
- More on the $15/month flashlight app
- What happens when apps change publishers
- Microsoft hating on Firefox
- Credit Karma is storing 1GB of data on the iPhone
- Staying on Windows 7
- Sci-Fi recommendations
- Windows 7 and HSTS sites
- TOTP codes/secrets and Bitwarden
- SpinRite on Mac
- SpinRite v6.1 is done!
- Alex Stamos on "Microsoft Security"
Show Notes -
Hosts: Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte
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