8: Signs You're Bad In Bed! | ON DEEZ HOES | ft. SLINK JOHNSON

This week we have special guest Slink Johnson ON DEEZ HOES!  Our comedienne’s Precious Hall and Kamira White have compiled a list of signs for you to see if YOU ARE BAD IN BED! PLUS! You'll never guess who our "UNDER DOG OF THE WEEK" is this week! #ODH SPONSORS:  https://bluechew.com https://www.manscaped.com SPECIAL GUEST:  Slink Johnson: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfTg64HfmES6i1oXvpYHPQ DIRECTED BY: @CynthiaLuCiette https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoEnuCDJKukMzKVMrRuI6mw GET ODH GEAR:  https://www.seamstresstouch.com/products FOLLOW THE HOSTS: PRECIOUS HALL: https://instagram.com/precioushallcomedy?igshid=8r8yjlwfd94p KAMIRA WHITE: https://www.instagram.com/kamirawhite/?hl=en

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