The Environment or Like Whatever with Luke Metzger
Host - Stephanie Chiarello, @schiarellotx Announcer - Amy Lowrey, @lowreyamy Comedic Guest - Chad Warren Comedic Guest - Aaron Salinas, @sudsypanda Celebrity Guest - Luke Metzger @lukemetzger Intern: LillieAnne Steinhauser @lillieannestein Edited and Engineered by: Myrriah Gossett People we talked about: Ken Paxton, Attorney General Dan Patrick, Lt. Governor of Texas @DanPatrick Dade Phelan, Speaker of the House @DadePhelan Sid Miller, Agricultural Commissioner Charlie Geren, Representative District 99 @charliegeren Briscoe Cain, Representative District 128 @briscoecain Tom Oliverson, Representative District 130 @tomoliverson Gina Hinojosa, Representative District 49 @ginaforaustin Bryan Hughes, Senator District 1 @senbryanhughes Resources for Jokes: 1 Yellow highlights are information the generally changes each episode, but always check all the information; most of this you can get from the Script for the show and from the “Intern Social Media posts” document for the show Resources for following the Texas Legislature: (subscription only) #txlege hashtag on social media