Uncovering The New Science of Influence with Vanessa Bohns
Vanessa Bohns is a social psychologist and a professor of organizational behavior at Cornell University. She holds a PhD in Psychology from Columbia University and is the author of the book You Have More Influence Than You Think. Her research focuses broadly on social influence and the psychology of compliance and consent. In this episode, Subbu and Prof Bohns discuss what we typically tend to get wrong about our ability to influence others, why assertiveness as a skill may be overrated, and how leaders can become better aware of the sway they hold over others.Key TopicsProf Vanessa Bohns' journey into academiaWhy we hold ourselves back when complimenting othersWhat we typically get wrong about our ability influence othersThe amplification of shared experiencesThe power of behavioral contagion Direct v/s indirect effect of our actions on othersAssertiveness as a skill may be overratedEmbarrassment can be a powerful motivatorWhen influence turns into manipulationLeadership blind-spots on perspective-taking Taking responsibility of your positional power Becoming better aware of our influence over othersThe Word-ball game!Write a gratitude letter today