I Tried Streaming On Twitch | Kelsey Impicciche
This week we talk to Kelsey Impicciche about Twitch streaming, Dungeons a Dragons, and how we use our fears to inspire some of our best videos. Try usual wines at http://www.usualwines.com and use our code MISSION for $8 off your first order, and try your first glass ON US! :) Follow Kelsey: YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC67SGAcDCxdw4RwwZMgYfLQ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/kelseydangerous Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kelseydangerous/ Watch The Dungeon Club: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCjeMXvFbN4 Follow us: http://www.instagram.com/michellekhare https://www.instagram.com/garrettkennell https://twitter.com/michellekhare https://twitter.com/garrettkennell https://www.twitch.tv/michellekhare https://www.twitch.tv/garrettkennell // Edited by Madeline Puzzo https://www.instagram.com/mtn_mads // Are you a business looking to work with us? Reach out to us at michellekhare+business@gmail.com for all business inquiries!