#4: The Loyalty Guru - An Interview with Mike Atkin
Mike Atkin has advised, launched or worked on over 85 loyalty programmes in his 30 year career to date and is one of the best known experts in the loyalty industry. His work spans every sector from grocery (Tesco), to fuel retail (BP and Shell) through to coalition programmes and loyalty platform technology. A real loyalty expert to listen to and learn from about loyalty marketing. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikejatkin/ mikea@customerstrategynetwork.com Twitter #loyaltyguru https://www.customerstrategynetwork.com/ Show Notes: Training Sources: http://www.LoyaltyAcademy.org for CLMP (Customer Loyalty Marketing Professional) Qualification. https://thecxacademy.org/ for Customer Experience training. Staying up to date/Loyalty Resources and References: http://www.TheWiseMarketer.com - Loyalty Newsletter http://www.TheLoyaltySurgery.com - UK Loyalty Conference Oct 2019 https://loyaltyacademy.org - US Loyalty Conference March 2020