Ep. 45 - Best USB Flash Drive Brands (w. Nolan Cooney)
i think my limit for thinking of stupid episode descriptions was 44. i cant think of another one. i think i only had 44 of them in me follow nolan on twitter @toomuchprotein and check out his podcast One Star (@onestarcast). also visit www.gr18.biz to see some more of his awesome content and keep an eye out for new episodes of the GardenCast ;) heres the link to this weeks list https://www.thetoptens.com/usb-flash-drive-brands/ i dont even know why i am still putting these links in here. i dont think anyone has ever clicked on a link in one of these descriptions and i have to go find the list again to copy the url its annoying. god why are we even doing this podcast. this is a really good episode thouhg. you should listen to it