Rudy’s confused as hell about a couple things!
We cover a lot of ground this week patriots.In addition to spending time with our very special guests Senate candidates Joni Ernst, Steve Bullock, and Jon Osoff, we catch up with White House advisors Hogan Gidley, Larry Kudlow and Stephen Miller.We also get to the bottom of the post office scandal and learn more about the intelligence findings coming out of the last rounds of congressional hearings.Andrew Cuomo joins me on our Legal Eagles segment and Scott Atlas and the Pillow Guy join us for Rudy's Health Minute.And if that's not enough, a musical tribute to congresswoman AOC with Trudy, Gidley and I.And it's all for you people. Your support means the world to me. I’m going to get us up on video link soon too. The boys are working on the tech. Watch this space!Stay safe and stay alert patriots!Watch us on You Tube!