Ready Set Blow - Ep. 24
After opening the show with some banter on household chores, Randy and Chase get into a rather deep conversation about the double edged sword of selfishness and competitiveness - there are times when being selfish or being competitive are very positive and beneficial in your life but you cannot let those traits steal joy from you. After the philosophy discussion, Randy wanted to have a follow-up discussion with Chase on racism, Bill Maher and the inappropriate comments he made. They guys felt the show was getting to heavy, so they lightened it up with a segment on the NBA and the legacies of sports superstars like Michael Jordan. Jordan’s legacy is so big that it has changed culture and fashion in America and around the world. Next up, the boys did their “Financially Funny” segment of the week. Loyal listener Georgia wrote in and asked for investment recommendations on 401K accounts, which the fellas try to provide. The guys wrap up the show talking about the great time Randy had at a lesbian block party during the Boston Pride parade…Chase thinks he wants in on the next party.