Rory Vaden | Don’t Manage Your Time… Multiply It!
Self-discipline strategist Rory Vaden joins Mitch Matthews to discuss how you can multiply your time in this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast. Listen To The Podcast: Are you tired of all those books that tell you how to manage your time? Do you feel like they never really work for you? Yeah, me too. So now, instead of managing your time, it’s time to multiply it!! Rory Vaden joins me on this episode to tell you how to do just that! Rory is a self-discipline strategist and New York Times bestselling author of the book, Procrastinate on Purpose. “Anytime you say yes to one thing you are simultaneously saying no to an infinite number of others.” Tweet This It’s no longer about managing your time, or even prioritizing it; a new generation of multipliers has arrived, and they are masters at investing time in order to get more in the future. At its foundation is a simple equation that combines importance, urgency, and significance. Learn the difference between all three, and discover the convenient diagram, known as the Focus Funnel, to help you decide what you should be spending your time on. “Success is never owned. Success is only rented, and the rent is due every day.” Tweet This Plus, if you’re like most people and have difficulty saying the word “no”, Rory gives you great tips on how to Navigate the No so you can say “yes” to what’s truly important. You’re going to do great things, so give yourself the time to do them! Resources Free webinar! Procrastinate On Purpose