The Introvert’s Secret Weapon
Mitch Matthews discusses the secret weapon that introverts have in this week's DREAM. THINK. DO. Podcast. Listen To The Podcast: Are you an introvert, but know that you need to go out and meet countless new people in order to achieve your dream? Take heart!! Join Mitch for a deep dive, where he gives his personal strategies for introverts like himself to use when building their networks. And the extroverts out there can use the same strategies to become more effective at what they’re already good at: building relationships. “You’re trying to be interesting; be interested.” Tweet This Not sure which category you fall under? Think about how you like to recharge at the end of a hard day; do you like to get revved up by a group of people or enjoy some peace and quiet? If you fall under the second, learn the secret weapons you can use to calm your anxiety while still making authentic connections with a large group of people. The key is to be interested. Find out the best questions to ask others that will both help you learn and make them remember you. Or you can turn a conference into a real life game of connect the dots! This episode also shares Mitch’s survival strategy for those dreaded meetings with an open floor plan. And you receive the extra bonus of hearing how he stalked a bike shop, and turned it into a valuable lesson. So it’s time for you to stop thinking of being an introvert as a weakness to overcome, when it’s actually a strength to build you up. Go out there, start making those connections and living your dreams!