The Tie It Strategy
Mitch Matthews offers a DREAM. THINK. DO. "deep dive" and introduces a powerful strategy that enables you to tie big dreams to daily tasks to help with productivity, focus and loyalty. “People want to believe that you’re sincerely interested in them as persons’, not in what they can do for you.” Tweet This Listen To The Podcast: You've probably seen the statistics that say company loyalty is out the window. Now, studies show us that the number one reason an employee will stick with an organization is because of their direct boss. So... it's true. Leadership has always been important... but it's more important than ever! But as a leader, how do you motivate your team? How do you help them to deliver their best work? How do you inspire them to stay engaged and loyal? What if the secret was hidden in helping them to dream bigger, think better and do more? In this episode Mitch will give you the "Tie It" strategy. If you're a leader... you can use this strategy to ignite your team's passion, performance and productivity. If you're on your own... you can use the "Tie It" strategy to help you to stay focused, motivated and determined as you work towards achieving your goals! “The number one reason millennials stay on a job is their boss, their direct leader.” Tweet This RESOURCES: Click here for your "Tie It" Question Resource Guide Additional Background: The Tie It strategy is built on the premise that a person is more engaged in their work if they can tie what they are currently doing to their personal dreams or goals. This is a wildly effective strategy that takes very little time and effort, as long as that effort is sincere. Mitch imparts basic tips on how to establish these connections with your team members (31:26) so you can determine what their goals are, in order to then relate those goals to their daily assignments. You will also learn about the success assumption (11:29), why it’s so detrimental and how you can avoid it. And, of course, discover the numerous questions you can ask your employees in order to understand their needs on a more personal level (27:37), including: Where would you love to be in one year? What are some things you’d like to experience? What would you like to learn? “Every generation expects the other generations to define success and work to achieve it in the same way that they do.” Tweet This Now you can use this strategy to ignite your team member’s passion, even in their everyday tasks. Help them to make the connections that will ramp up their positivity and drive. Be ready to see an outstanding increase in engagement, productivity and loyalty!