Kevin Haugh | Navigating Sharks & Ships
Extreme Swimmer - Kevin Haugh talks with Mitch Matthews for the DREAM. THINK. DO. Podcast. Listen To The Podcast: “I think about it every time, but I never allow myself to turn around. If I do it that once I think it would be easy to do that every single time.” Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or try, but you haven’t because it wasn't practical or realistic? What if you tried it anyway?! So often we push our dreams to the side because they don't seem reasonable or maybe they even feel a little random. Well, it’s time to kick that kind of thinking to the curb, so you can get out there and try something new! To help you do that Mitch Matthews has brought you his friend Kevin Haugh. From a professional standpoint, Kevin is leading a successful life. He’s the Vice President for tax counsel at Union Bank. Before that he was a manager at KPMG, and a senior at Arthur Anderson. But Kevin isn't joining this episode to talk about his career. Nope. He's on to talk about swimming. That's right. Swimming. “It’s all mental, you’ve just got to commit to it and just do it.” Tweet This More specifically, Mitch and Kevin are going to talk about "extreme swimming." Kevin loves extreme swimming; an activity that is exactly as it sounds. It's swimming in the ocean… over incredibly long distances, often against the current, while being on the lookout for ships and sharks. Although it might not seem "practical," the experience of this type of extreme swimming lights Kevin up! And it changes the way he lives, loves, works and leads! Let Kevin inspire you with his stories of how pursuing his dream makes a difference in his life (16:42), and how it creates a positive impact on his entire family (20:16). Plus, you can hear his love for the sport as he discusses: How he first developed his dream (2:45) His achievements (5:45) The risks of bay swimming (8:48) And why he loves it (11:09) Your dreams are meant to be anything that makes you come alive; so don’t constrain your dream pursuits to just the things that are practical or profitable. Listen in and find out how going after your dreams (even when they don't always make sense) can have a positive and powerful impact on your life and those around you! “If you’re crazy, the best way to feel normal is to surround yourself with other crazies.” Tweet This