Bonus Episode: Matt DeCelles | Business Deals From His Dorm Room!
Matt Decelles (co-founder of William Painter Sunglasses) talks with Mitch Matthews for the DREAM. THINK. DO. Podcast. “Anyone in the world is only one person away.” Tweet This Would you like to be able to make a business deal with a $50 million company, while you’re still in college?? That’s exactly what Matt Decelles did! Matt is the co-founder of William Painter, a company that has made a symbol out of its revolutionary sunglasses. Plus, they've been featured in Maxim, US Weekly, and Cosmopolitan. Now he’s joining Mitch Matthews to share with you the strategies he used for attaining his dream job. “Figure out why you’re reaching out and then have the guts to do it.” Tweet This Matt is a master at building relationships, and he wants to give you the keys to creating an ironclad network! He shares how networking plays out in his daily life (13:49) whether it’s with mentors or his core group of friends, because both play a significant role in his continued success. If you want to find a mentor but aren’t sure how to reach out, start with a few of Matt’s tips (18:53): Figure out your values Look for people who are already mentoring others Ask them to simply tell you their story You can also discover what it’s like during a day in the life of Matt (4:54), as well as how he handled the push back when he was working towards his dreams (10:55). If you want to score your dream job, then listen in to learn from others who have already won theirs. The dream is yours; go make it a reality! “Stack your life full of mentors so they can help you get your dream faster. And then build a group of friends who are going to motivate you.” Tweet This This BONUS interview came from Mitch's Project Dream Job interview series. The audio isn't as high of quality as normal, but the content was so good we just had to run with it! We hope you enjoy it! Subscribe To The Podcast Leave A Review And Enter To Win! If you leave an iTunes review before February 8th you can enter to win some great prizes. Find out more by clicking here.