Morning Walks with Ben Duncan
This week the boys have their friend, Denver phenom Ben Duncan on the program - or Bennifer Duncleston, as the effeminate and flamboyant British lord prefers to be called. We talk about eyes-wide shut parties, constantly distracting yourself, and [REDACTED] a Denver open mic-er who is the one person to openly hate Benjamin. If you like our guest please seek out his show Meatloaf and the Milk Man - a quarterly stand up and sketch comedy show at Denver's Dangerous Theater or just comedy shows around town. If you like the podcast please rate and review us on iTunes and follow us on social media - @TCoYPod across platforms. And! you can find us on Habitica and join our party to follow along with future episodes. Thank you as always to Gila Teen for our intro and outro music from the song Skeletor. If you're ever in Denver be sure to stop by our generous host - the Mutiny Information Cafe.