#24 I Am Legend of the Hidden Temple (Top 9 NYC Places)
00:00-2:00- Lance lights the match to the podcast iron skillet and the chefs begin cooking a sizzling hot episode with a chat about the restaurant chain Sizzler. 2:00- 9:14- The chefs go over some Braizerback feedback from the last episode including a potential Bill big tuna Parcell's prank on Jesse. 9:14-19:59 - Jesse and Lance go over their highlights magazine which involve Jesse going on a Tim Raines rainy run and Lance putting his French speaking to the ron arTest with some virtual conversations. 19:59- 1:13:11- The chefs Joe List each of their top nine favorite places in New York City that are not restaurants. 1:13:11- 1:14:54 - Jesse reads an advertisement for Carvel Ice Cream cake and Lance educates the pod on the difference between ice cream and soft serve. 1:14:54 - 1:19:05 - The chefs go into their “Is that a Joke” segment with Jesse detailing a package prank being done on him and Lance going through some new bits for an upcoming show. 1:19:05- 1:23:50 - Jesse finds it QAB that the food he is Quinn cooking isn’t photogenic and Lance takes issue with dish TV towels. 1:23:50- 1:25:20 - The chefs bring in the closer and plug what they have coming up on their Phil Dockets.