#10 Ghwack-A-Mole
00:00-2:31: The chefs turn on the flame and start cooking up the first pod of 2020. Jesse shares that he used to have a figurine of Fluffy the three headed dog from Harry Potter, which was mentioned in the last epi. 2:31-3:25: Lance notes how Instagram may have copied the Braised Bits top nine list idea and the chefs express how difficult it is for them to discuss things off podcast. They have to save it for the pod. 3:25-15:36: Jesse goes into his highlights from the past week including some San Antonio spur of the moment decisions to attend a football game and a concert. 15:36-26:35: Lance dives into his previous weeks highlights which includes a bucket list experience at Minetta Tavern in NYC and being stupefied by how good their black label burger was. 26:35-1:09:45: Lance and Jesse list out their top nine animals and try out a new format for the segment. 1:09:45-1:10:48: Jesse does a quick ad for Pats Monday night shift at the Lantern and Lance generously gives his time back to the room. 1:10:48- 1:15:17 :Jesse's “was that a joke” involves him hearing a joke from a podcast and then falsely relaying it as a fact. Lance explains the predicament he encounters when he is giving tours and one of his attendees asks him to tell a joke. 1:15:17- 1:20:07: The chefs jump into there questionable at best segment. Jesse talks about being called a douche bag for his drink choice and Lance discusses how in today’s society it feels like there’s no room for leisure for leisure sake. 1:20:24- 1:22:43: Lance sings the closing song and the chefs plug their upcoming show.