Week #002 Review, Tuesday
Di dove sei (tu)? = Where are you from? (informal) Di dov'e' (Lei)? = Where are you from? (formal) Sono di...= I am from... Dov'e'...? = Where is...? Ecco... = Here is... And here are some famous cities and their Italian and English pronunciations. Roma = Rome Milano = Milan Venezia = Venice Firenze = Florence Napoli = Naples Italian Spelling = English Sound a = ah e = ay i = ee o = oh u = oo c (before e or i) = ch c (before other vowels) = k ch = k g (before e or i) = j g (before other vowels) = g (as in go) gh = g (as in go) gl = lli (as in million) gn = ny (as in canyon) h = always silent r = r (a single r should lightly rolled or trilled; a double rr is strongly rolled or trilled) s = s (but pronounced as a z when it comes between vowels) sc (before e or i) = sh sc (before other vowels) = sk sch = sk z (beginning of a word) = dz z (within a word) = ts zz = ts and sometimes dz io = I tu = you (informal) Lei = you (formal) lui = he lei = she noi = we voi = you (plural, formal and informal) loro = they The subject pronoun io, unlike the English I, is not capitalized unless it begins a sentence. Lei is the formal form for both masculine and feminine and is written with the capital L to distinguish it from lei (she). Essere = to be io sono = I am tu sei = you are (informal) Lei e' = you are (formal) lui/lei e' = he/she is noi siamo = we are voi siete = you are (plural) loro sono = they are Avere = to have io ho = I have tu hai = you have (informal) Lei ha = you have (formal) lui/lei ha = he/she has noi abbiamo = we have voi avete = you have (plural) loro hanno = they have 0 = zero 1 = uno 2 = due 3 = tre 4 = quattro 5 = cinque 6 = sei 7 = sette 8 = otto 9 = nove 10 = dieci 11 = undici 12 = dodici 13 = tredici 14 = quattordici 15 = quindici 16 = sedici 17 = diciassette 18 = diciotto 19 = diciannove 20 = venti