E3 2018 Recap Edition | E3 Experiences | Conference Rankings ft Samuel Tolbert
Welcome to The Iron Lords Podcast of The Inner Circle Network!
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0:30- @LordCognito 's Lordly Introductions begin with Lord @SamuelTolbert !
4:45- Lord @KingDavidOTW starts off the week's Combat Sports!
8:15- First of 3 Live Raffle Contests!
9:00- The Lords talk about their standout experiences of E3!
13:25- The arrival of "The One, The Only, E3 Xbox Conference Legend.......Lord @HOTMONKEYLOV1N " !
26:10- The Lords recap and give opinions on EA's E3 Press Conference!
47:20- Next up, the Lords' thoughts on the E3 Bethesda press conference!
57:30- Lord @AnchormanV2 arrives in the realm to defend his beloved Bethesda!
1:19:20- Live Raffle Drawing #2!
1:21:40- The Lords give their thoughts on the Square-Enix E3 Conference!
1:31:10- Next up on the Lords' chopping block: The Ubisoft E3 Press Conference !
1:48:30- The Lords discuss the PC E3 Conference!
1:54:10- Grandpa is up to bat with the Lords' thoughts on the Nintendo conference!
2:18:00- The Lords move on to the Sony E3 Conference!
2:30:00- Lord @SamuelTolbert breaks down, in classic fashion, his theories of what Death Stranding is really about!
2:52:30- The Lords finally reach their blood & heart, the Xbox E3 Press Conference!
3:22:50- Final Raffle Drawing!
3:41:50- The Lords give their E3 personal conference & game rankings!
3:49:00- This Weeks's Twitter Poll Question!
3:49:50- The Lords give their outros!
You can find Lord Samuel Tolbert on Twitter: @SamuelTolbert
You can find Lord Hot Monkey on Twitter: @HOTMONKEYLOV1N
You can find Lord AnchormanV2 on Twitter: @AnchormanV2
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Lord KING--- twitter.com/kingdavidotw
Lord ADDICT--- twitter.com/LordAddictILP
Lord SOVEREIGN--- twitter.com/LordSovILP
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