#10: Cut to the Chase When it Comes to Online Dating
One of the biggest issues with online dating is often people won’t just cut to the chase and ask the other person to go out. It actually seems as though some people have no intention of meeting PERIOD. They just want to swipe their lives away out of boredom. Why are you on a dating site if you aren't going to go on a date? Come on now... Trina is your best friend after a breakup! Get More Help: (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) CALL 1-85-LOVE-LIFE (1-855-683-5433) in US a Canada or 1-310-776-9600 Worldwide to talk to Trina now! No appointment needed. First 10 minutes FREE for first-time callers. (3) GET a PERSONALIZED VIDEO REPLY from Trina for your relationship issue: wisio.com/BOOST (4) CHAT ONLINE with Trina from your phone or computer: premium.chat/breakupBOOST (5) SUBSCRIBE to Trina's YouTube (6) FOLLOW on Instagram @breakupBOOST a Facebook