#9: Keep Your Relationship OFF Facebook
As the saying goes "The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on Facebook". This doesn't mean you can't post a pic here and there, but it's when people bring the dramatics into it. I touch on "the relationship status", "the public trash talking", and "the over-sharers". You will probably be able to relate to all of these from your own social media experiences. Trina is your best friend after a breakup! Get More Help: (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) CALL 1-85-LOVE-LIFE (1-855-683-5433) in US a Canada or 1-310-776-9600 Worldwide to talk to Trina now! No appointment needed. First 10 minutes FREE for first-time callers. (3) GET a PERSONALIZED VIDEO REPLY from Trina for your relationship issue: wisio.com/BOOST (4) CHAT ONLINE with Trina from your phone or computer: premium.chat/breakupBOOST (5) SUBSCRIBE to Trina's YouTube (6) FOLLOW on Instagram @breakupBOOST a Facebook