The Do's and Don'ts of Going through GRIEF Together with Dr. Chelsea Hall, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
So little clarity and so much unrest... Such a perfect time to release an episode on grief that is desperately needed in this moment of folks grieving various forms of loss. We interviewed Dr. Chelsea Hall before the globe was in the state of pandemic, but in this episode, you'll see that so much of what Dr. Hall discusses about grief can be applied to what we are all feeling in this season. Whether you recently had unexpected news about the health of a loved one, whether you recently lost a loved one, or whether you are grieving the loss of normalcy in your life, job, and relationships, this episode is for YOU. Dr. Hall gave several book recommendations: A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schweibert and Chuck DeKlyen You can contact Dr. Hall at (510) 512-2353 or (or on IG: @carpe_veritas) Stay in conversation with us on IG: @dearyoungmarriedcouple or on our website: P.S. Here are the links to the marriage card decks we talk about in the episode: FOUNDATIONS: SEXPECTATIONS: REALIZATIONS: