Done with Dating a The Cheerleader Effect
Samantha Burns, AKA The Millennial Love Expert, explains her 7 steps to be done with dating once and for all. Headlines for the week include: Is it weird that Kaley Cuoco doesn’t live with her new husband, Tinder’s newest content-driven feature might help you find your perfect match this October, and new apps for healthier relationships. Samantha and Damona also answer listener questions like should you tell your friend if her boyfriend is raising some red flags and what to do if you don’t want to be with someone but you don’t want them to date anyone else. Don't forget to send us your Halloween Dating Horror Story! You can submit any of these ways: DM Damona a voice memo on Social Media (@DamonaHoffman) Send Damona an email ( Leave us a message! (424-246-6255) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit