All Our MIC-DROP Moments From Season 2 (Plus, What to Expect Next!)
Welcome to the final episode of Season 2 of the Becoming the One Podcast! Today, we have special guest host Sophie Sturdevant, our director of content and communications, on with us to break down some of our team's favorite moments, and big themes, from each of our 10 episodes this season. From our fist guest speaker (Jules the Explorer!) to our second (Susie Miller!), to some of our most-shared episodes yet (like the "Top 3 Reasons You're Still Single" and the sneaky symptoms of serial monogamy), this season was a blast. We laughed, we cried...and we can't wait for more. Which brings us to the latter half of this episode: everything you can expect next! We have our most exciting season yet, dropping in two weeks, and although we can't give you *all* the details, we can give you a little sneak peek, just as a "thanks for joining us on this journey." Don't forget to subscribe, share with your friends, and — of course — leave us a review if you like what you hear!