Designer Michael Costello Talks Hollywood Frocks and Diva Clients
In this episode Red Carpet dress designer Michael Costello takes us from winning fourth place in Season 8 of Project Runway to designing a matching hat and dress for Cardi B and a birthday dress for Kylie Jenner. Not to mention his breakout moment - Beyoncé’s lace dress at the 2014 Grammy Awards. Gretchen asks about a turning point in his career and he says fitting Nicki Minaj in her bathroom after she called him personally. Celebs love him because he can turn around a last-minute request and he designs for all shapes and sizes. One of the first designers to make masks during Covid-19, Costello hangs out with the famous. One of his good friends is Lady Gaga. His favorite lady to design for is Mariah Carey. He’s excited to tell Gretchen and Slade that he just joined her team as a design director and is working on a swimwear line. The naughty hosts try to get the name of his least favorite client. But he won’t go there except to say, “She’s very well known. I think it was her stylist who made the project such a pain.” Michael Costello has plenty of stories but he’s always discreet. Gretchen Rossi Instagram @gretchenrossi Slade Smiley Instagram @sladesmiley Stage 29 Podcasts Instagram Stage 29 Podcasts Twitter Stage 29 Podcasts Facebook Gretchen Rossi Instagram @gretchenrossi Slade Smiley Instagram @Stage 29 Podcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit