Episode 3: Garden Pests, Root Cellars, and Cornmageddon
What we are eating this week
- Berries!
- Elderflower Fritters: a recipe - do not use olive oil
- Items from the root cellar: Spaghetti squash and sweet potatoes
- Still getting lettuce galore but that is about to change
What we are preserving this week - and how
- Peppermint
- Bee balm - finally about to bloom
- Sour Cherry Jam
- Blackberry leaves
- Pickled Beets - Recipe coming soon!
Garden/pest update
- The flea beetle
- Squash bugs
- Does the duct tape trick really work on squash bug eggs?
- Neem oil or Dawn
About the Root Cellar and Canned Food Storage
Final song: Every Way written by Nicole Sauce, performed by Sauce