EP 46: Student/Teacher Confrontations, Titan Games Challenges, The R.Kelly Cover Up

Today I am joined by DJ Townsel Rasta Yogi and current competitor on NBC Titan Games and A-Rod an aspiring Fitness Trainer and most amazing high school teacher.


  • GoFundMe created by a veteran Is Refunding All $20 Million In Donations To Build Trump's Wall After The Plans Changed


Alyssa AKA A-Rod

  • Student - Teacher fights going viral and seem to happening more often.
  • What are kids acting out in school?
  • Teacher gets neck snapped after being punched by student.
  • Teacher’s struggles when funding is not enough.

DJ Townsel

  • Journey of being a Titan
  • How he ended up on a show with The Rock
  • Preparation for the show


  • Side chick wants married girlfriend to leave her husband and be the only one in her life. Does she even have a chance?


  • Let’s have a talk about the adults that covered up for a pedophile like R.Kelly and how we are now raising our children to be aware of predators.

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Catch DJ on NBC Titan Games Thursdays @ 8pm on NBC

If you're interested in the yoga retreats you can find more information here www.dade2shelby.net/retreats


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