EP 24: Girl Boss ft Ivana Cora
This week Carla is joined by her instagram bestie Ivana Cora from Brendalin & Cora ---They finally get to sit down and meet face to face!
- Rates of Chlamydia, Syphilis & Gonorrea Break US Records
- 12 year old girl suffers second and third degree burn after attempting "FIRE CHALLENGE" - What the hell is a fire challenge?
During our girl boss topic we talk about getting out of your comfort zone and working towards your passion even when its not all that glamorous in the beginning.
Ivana's internet trolls, and people who want her to give them all the answers without wanting to do the work.
How Ivana has managed to have a successful online boutique and quit her job almost one year ago to work for herself.
This week's book recommendations
Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero
Unsolicited Advice
- The Burning Wife
- Karmalized Ass Whoopin
SH*T Taaaaaaalk!!!!!
Big Big BIG F-You to Ron De Santis