Eric Pancakehouse a Attack of Target Lady
In Episode 5 Eric is given advice on how to bounce back from his divorce that simply doesn't sit right with soul. He rejects the advice, opting instead for a more righteous path. That is, until the right person comes along from the most unlikeliest of places. If you like what you're hearing, please recommend this podcast to one person who you think will benefit from this message. Did I mention subscribing? Make sure you do so you don't miss the start of Season 2 of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Visit the merch store at ( For exclusive members-only content join (The Dating Game) at ( About the Podcast Datin' ain't easy — especially the second time around. Join retired blogger and divorced dad, Eric Payne for his humorous storytelling escapades that take you along for the ride over the hills and through the valleys as he navigates dating life as a divorced man. Eric doesn't shy away from any of it – the good, the bad, the ugly and the messy, and he isn't afraid to call himself out when he's the one being messy. To see what Eric does besides recording podcasts, follow him on Instagram: (@ericlpayne) Support this podcast