#87: 4 Tips to Wait Patiently AND Not Give Up Hope for the Single Christian Woman
Who here has made the decision to never ask God for more patience? We all know He’d be happy to stretch you and help increase your patience. I’m pretty sure I prayed that prayer once and decided never to pray it again! Well, when it comes to us seeing a goal achieved or a dream fulfilled, we can easily lose our patience. The challenge is, how do we remain patient while keeping our hope alive? What I see all too often is that when women try to be patient in their singleness, they numb their desire for marriage. After all, that’s very acceptable in today’s society. But if you number that desire, you simply are not being honest with yourself or God. So in the season of singleness, there are ways you can keep the hope alive, but still be patient so as not to drive yourself crazy. I discuss 4 different strategies you can implement so that you can become more patient in your season. These 4 tips will also allow you to keep the hope alive and not pretend you don’t want something that you do! Tune in and share! Coaching: https://www.StarrBurroughs.com/ExploratoryCall The 7 Most Common Roadblocks To Love [Free]: http://www.starrburroughs.com/gift 7 Questions To Help You Identify Your Standards [Free]: http://www.starrburroughs.com/standards Join our free Facebook Community: The Confident Single Woman http://www.starrburroughs.com/facebook-group Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/starrburroughsbooks The Ineligible Bachelorette: https://amzn.to/2xmE49u Contact: starr@starrburroughs.com