Episode 039: Will The Truth Set You Free After Infidelity?
On this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni explores if the common saying "the truth will set you free" applies to finding out the whole truth about your partner's infidelity. You will learn what to ask and what not to ask in order to bring you and your partner closer to healing. Also, find out which truth-seeking questions are appropriate for facilitating healing and which ones are not. Together with breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov, they discuss questions that address love, sex, commitment, desire, loyalty, loss and many more. Links mentioned in this episode: Episode 016: Staying After Infidelity- Mistake #2 To send us questions you'd like answered in a future podcast: Please write your question in the following format and email idit@iditsharonicounseling.com or alina@alinagershonov.com: Type of relationship (marriage, dating, etc.) Length of relationship Your story + your question to us Remember, you will absolutely remain anonymous For more information about the podcast, Idit Sharoni, and Alina Gershonov visit: www.iditsharoni.com www.AlinaGershonov.com