Episode 011: How To Survive Being Ghosted
If you're currently in the dating world, then you've likely heard of "being ghosted" or you have unfortunately experienced it yourself. As if ghosting isn't painful enough to deal with; icing, and simmering have plagued the dating scene even further. Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni and Breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov address these extremely hurtful and emotionally damaging ways to part in a dating relationship. Idit and Alina address the reasons why people resort to saying nothing out of fear of a confrontational conversation or ultimately hurting someone's feeling. Also, learn just how frequently ghosting, icing, and simmering are used and the reasoning behind this non-existent form of communication. Get expert tips on how to deal with being ghosted, iced, or simmered and learn how to date mindfully. Resources: To send us questions you'd like us to answer in a podcast: Please write your question in the following form and email idit@iditsharonicounseling.com or alina@alinagershonov.com: Type of relationship (marriage, dating, etc.) Length of relationship Your story + your question to us Remember, you will absolutely remain anonymous For more information about the podcast, Idit Sharoni, and Alina Gershonov visit: www.iditsharoni.com www.alinagershonov.com Links mentioned in this episode: Esther Perel's blog about Relationship Accountability Please send your questions in the above format to Idit at idit@iditsharoni.com and to Alina at alina@alinagershonov.com. We look forward to hearing from you!