Episode 003: How to Listen a Be Heard

Ever feel like getting through to your partner is too complicated? You don't feel heard and your partner has no clue how to make it better. You end up almost every time exactly where you started or even worse.  Relationship expert Idit Sharoni along with co-host and breakup specialist Alina Gershonov Un-complicate communication rules for you. This episode is all about being an awesome listener and a great speaker in conversations with your significant other. You will find 8 easy-to-apply communication tools that will improve the next time you communicate with your partner.  Resources: For more information about the podcast, Idit Sharoni, and Alina Gershonov visit: www.iditsharoni.com www.alinagershonov.com For more information about The Gottman Institute mentioned in the episode please visit: www.gottman.com See you at our next episode, Idit a Alina

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