Episode 001: Is Your Relationship Worth Saving?
Have you been going through a difficult time in your relationship? A lot of couples report that constant arguments and fights are the main cause for relationship despair. What happens as a result is finding yourself wondering if this relationship has what it takes to heal and if it is worth saving. Idit Sharoni, a relationship expert and practicing couples therapist, along with her co-host, breakup specialist Alina Gershonov share with you the signs they look for in therapy and signs you can see for yourself when your relationship is worth saving. BONUS: In this episode, Idit will share a bonus for the listeners. You can click here to get Idit's special complete Couples Guide: "7 Signs Your Relationship is Worth Saving" or go to www.iditsharoni.com/001 and get it there. For more information about the podcast, Idit Sharoni, and Alina Gershonov visit: www.iditsharoni.com www.alinagershonov.com For more information about The Gottman Institute mentioned in the episode please visit: www.gottman.com See you at our next episode, Idit a Alina