Relaunching your career
In many families, it’s common for one person in a relationship to take a step back in their career to help with the mental load and logistics of running the home and children. But, when a relationship ends, the person who has been the primary carer will often find themselves needing to increase their earning capacity and in some cases, they might have been out of the workforce for years. On the show today, we talk about relaunching your career. What options are available? What do you say on your CV? Where do you even begin? Produced by Cass Thorburn (@cassthorburn) a Annaliese Dent (@annaliesedent) With thanks to Gillian Fox and Nama Winston The Executive Producer a Head of Audio at Pacific is Elissa Ratliff The original music used in Divorce Story is composed by Jackson Stefanovic See for privacy and opt-out information.