QSE Listener Questions 2 - Queer Sex Ed Podcast: Episode 37

Jay and Sara are answering your questions this week! Thank you to everyone who was vulnerable and asked us to help you move through difficult things. Discussed in this episode: dysphoria and eating disorder history, family rejection, telling a partner you are no longer attracted to them, fatphobia in dating preferences, what queer porn do we enjoy, supporting ethical porn production, and the pitfalls of focusing on inclusive language without inclusive action for allies.  You can send your questions to queersexed@gmail.com for us to answer them on future shows. More information about our mission available at www.queersexed.org. This show is made possible by our generous Patreon supporters! If you find the show helpful and you are financially able to support us, consider joining our Patreon community at www.patreon.com/QueerSexEd. Any amount you can give makes a huge difference for us. Show links: http://www.ashleighshackelford.com/ http://www.askingbear.com/  https://www.sonyareneetaylor.com/  http://www.instarbooks.com/books/nerve-endings.html  http://www.ihartericka.com/#home  https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/7xx73q/this-leading-trans-porn-company-is-wiping-slurs-from-its-site https://medium.com/the-establishment/the-radical-potential-of-trans-kink-porn-cc6396773fd7 https://www.teenvogue.com/story/what-you-should-know-before-you-start-watching-porn https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/mgyax8/what-its-like-to-be-a-genderfluid-sex-worker https://medium.com/@HARLOT/what-does-it-take-to-believe-a-whore-or-why-writing-about-sex-work-should-be-left-to-sex-workers-22fc6b2e9bdb

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