QSE Quickies - Communication
Sara edited together some of her favorite moments about communication from past QSE episodes while she is healing from surgery. New episodes should be back in a few weeks, thank you for understanding. Full episodes available here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2bcQC0QCVSl0vOlly0zXgQ?si=bl-Wchy_RWeiapwS273uOg https://open.spotify.com/episode/45LSqplKIF7DNz0TMOssAF?si=SLXgJgjwQOegPiKytBNosg https://open.spotify.com/episode/7wROeWZESxjLQZ9IzV1TC0?si=2JbgolQnTgGxfv-7seREeg https://open.spotify.com/episode/55ngvnUYvskGtPQwsHyfHq?si=F54Z2UAbRAuY6Gr3rDxLCg https://open.spotify.com/episode/5Kze2aVlPRKa4rI8dAVmlZ?si=pqDmeS4iQEuqsz57ANdJfg You can send your questions to queersexed@gmail.com for us to answer them on future shows. More information about our mission available at www.queersexed.org. This show is made possible by our generous Patreon supporters! If you find the show helpful and you are financially able to support us, consider joining our Patreon community at www.patreon.com/QueerSexEd. Any amount you can give makes a huge difference for us.